Dealing with Dementia Behavioral Problems

The patients with dementia in mid-to-late stage often undergo behavior problems such as sadness, anger, confusion and fear. While the problems are challenging for the patient, the caretaker may also find it difficult to handle the situation. These result is - aggressive and violent actions by the patient. If a senior family member in your family is going through this tough phase, it is imperative to take care of the dos and don’ts to give best possible dementia care to the senior person. In this blog post we look at the different ways to deal with behavioral problems in dementia. Read on.

When the Patient has Aggressive Action or Speech

Remember that a loved one is not doing anything on purpose, and aggression in most of the cases is the result of physical discomfort or environmental factors. As a caretaker, you need to first identify the reason for aggression that is affecting the behavior of the patient. If they are not doing anything that could harm them or the other person, it is better to shift the focus to something else. Try to avoid any argument that could lead to an aggressive behavior.

When the Patient is Confused About Place or Time

Patients living in memory care facility often urge to go home. As the disease causes progressive damage to the cognitive functioning, it leads to memory loss and confusion. You can show them photos and other things to explain more about the disease. The best ways is to avoid the questions and redirect the patient to find other activity such as going for a walk or getting something to eat. Try not to give lengthy explanations or reasons, as this might make things progressively worse.

When the Patient has Poor Judgement

Deterioration of brain cells could affect the judgement ability of the patient. This often leads to delusion or the patient losing belief in those close to him. The best thing to do is to analyze the extent of the problem. If you see mismanagement on certain aspects, help the patient stay organized without actually making them feel that there is an issue with them. Refrain from asking the patient about his/her ability to manage finances or argue on these topics.

Final Words

A caregiver might experience high stress level in severe case of dementia. In such a situation, it is always better to look out for professionals offering senior dementia care in Dallas or near your area. You can either visit their office and have a word about how they can help you, or ask for references to find a trusted caregiver.


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